saya akan memberikan contoh dialog b.inggris yang di main kan beberapa orang , saya akan pakai 4 orang :
simak berikut dialog buatan ku yang ber thema kan teknologi ;
Fendy : Hello……!
Yongky : Hello……!
Fendy : Hi
guys I'm confused about the current technological advances.
Yongky : Why
are you confused?
Fendy : Yesterday's
gone to buy a laptop but after internet use a virus turns the
Sigit : Pairs antivirus , avira smadav and better if merged.
Fendy : Mine
by nature existing antivirus smadav karpesky then I plug in the
turns blank easy.
Yongky : Hahahaha……!
Putu : Yongky riddance!.
Fendy : Why is Yongky?
Putu : Why it happens, I'm curious yongky?
Yongky : It's
actually a lot of good antivirus, but every part of every state is
antivirus. kaspersky it does not fit coupled with smadav as it
make the virus it self.
Fendy : But
talk about the virus, windows everywhere and vulnerable to any
of virus . how do I protect it safe from viruses.
Yongky : Replace
the operating system.
Putu : Replaced with what ya yongky all windows operating the
same, secure
Windows 8 is still susceptible to the virus.
Sigit : Live usage, usually when used continuously often connected
one computer to another computer easily infected by the virus.
made for personal.
Yongky : It's
the same thing.
Fendy : continued
how comrade.
Yongky : Use
linux operating alone, searching on google about the explanation,
lazy to explain it because it is too long.
Sigit : Plug it difficult linux operating system. the linux
operating system
the battery more extravagant.
Yongky : Stay
the specification and installation, and a removable battery
create new laptop now so no effect of high specifications.
Fendy : How
it works with windows right?
Yongky : True...!
Putu : So how do I install it ?
Yongky : Come
to my house.
Sigit, Putu : Okay…..!
by : Bintang Uci Rizqi Yongkyanto